Sunday, January 07, 2007

More Bush-bashing commie liberal bands on late night tv

OK, so nobody seemed to pay attention to the obviously brilliant clip I posted  of Conor Oberst (Bright Eyes) playing his Bush-bashing anthem, "When the President Talks to God," on Jay Leno, but that's OK because I'm just  going to assume  you'd all heard that song before and didn't need me to remind you how good it was.

So for everyone that loved that one, here's a song that used to be on my profile page. It's one of my favorite bands of all time, NOFX, performing Franco-Unamerican live on Conan O'Brien before the last presidential election. My favorite line is "We all know  George Bush is an imbecile. He loves Dick but he hates homosexuals. We're sick and tired of the embarrassment. The whole world wants us to get a better president."

NOFX-Franco Un-American

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