Of course, I realize my reaction to Ann Coulter is exactly what she wants. She says inflamitory things and it helps her sell books, but she is dumbing down America. So many people are falling for it and believe that this is what politics is about. She's creating unnecessary division in our country, rewriting history, saying one side is always right while the other is evil, and convincing people that this is how politics work.
I'm not just saying this because she is a conservative either. I generally don't vote Republican, but the Democrats have their faults. Believing in all the crap one particular side wants to feed us is just stupid, and it doesn't help the world. It's almost comical to read the things Ann Coulter says about Democrats and "liberals." For a good start, read the entry on Coulter at Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ann_Coulter. She thinks Joseph McCarthy was a hero, the New Deal was a bad thing, there should be literacy requirement to vote, the problems in the middle east could be solved by converting those "camel jockeys" to Christianity, and so on and so on. I can't imagine that any intelligent person who tends to have conservatiave views would take her seriously. I can't believe news programs have her on as an expert. I can't believe newspapers run her column.
Unfortunately America is buying into her sort of rhetoric, and we're hated throughout the world like never before. I don't think it's a total coincedence. I'm pissed that people like Ann Coulter have hijacked political debate and turned it into a circus.
I recently saw a report on 20/20 or a similar show that documented how voting in Congress is more partisan than ever. While a few decades ago, Democrats and Republicans voted with their parties sixty some percent of the time, now they do about ninety percent of the time. It seems like politicians stick to their "side" and throw mud at the other worse than ever before. I'm sure Coulter loves it.
Her book is still at number one on the New York Times. I wonder how many books Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky sold this week. God, (see, I'm praying to God, since I'm not Godless) I hope Coulter's readers are reading her for the comedy value.
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