Sunday, July 09, 2006

Henry Rollins on Ann Coulter and the FCC

I think that I'd rather listen to Clay Aiken than the Rollins Band, but Henry Rollins is always good for some interesting commentary. On his IFC show he has a segment where he reads open letter pieces that allow him to vent on various topics.

In this first Letter From Henry to Ann Coulter, I like when he says "You'll never have a real place with the beltway incrowd as they see you as a Northeastern hickoid pro-wrestler NASCAR type with a degree from Cornell." I think he's right. I'm sure that conservative insiders see her as a joke, but probably a welcome joke since so many people eat her shit up.

The next Letter From Henry is to the FCC. I like when he questions how people like Howard Stern are getting huge fines while violence goes practically unchecked. He says"I don't know about you, but these broadcasts never made me want to blow up a building, or build a meth lab, or even bring a gun to school. Sexual content seems to upset you, but violent content seems to be alright. That's kind of like the Bible. Not a lot of sex, whole lot of violence."

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